Speeches & Sermons

Speeches & Sermons

Winning Every Battle

Winning Every Battle

Winning Every Battle

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon

February 22, 2015

Lions of God Arise!

Lions of God Arise!

Lions of God Arise!

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon

February 1, 2015

God Save The Queen

God Save The Queen

God Save The Queen

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon

January 25, 2015

Breaking the silence

Breaking the silence

Breaking the silence

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon

January 18, 2015

Sapporo Rally

Sapporo Rally

Sapporo Rally

Queen Erikawa

July 10, 2011

Speeches by True Mother Kang

The Signs of the Last Days

The Signs of the Last Days

True Mother Kang Hyun Shil

January 17, 2017

The Mother Theresa

The Mother Theresa

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon & True Mother Kang Hyun Shil

January 15, 2017

Witnessing In 1953

Witnessing In 1953

True Mother Kang Hyun Shil

January 1, 2007

From Evangelist to Disciple

From Evangelist to Disciple

True Mother Kang Hyun Shil

August 1, 1982
