33rd 7.1 Jeoland 27th 7.8 Jeol Reporting Prayer

August 22, 2023

Dr. Richard Panzer

Dearest Heavenly Father,

On this 7th day of the 7th month of the 14th year of Cheon-gi, we want to THANK YOU for your love and guidance in our lives. We thank you for the miracle that we could live in the time of the 2nd Coming of Christ and now that we are living at the same time as his anointed son, Hyung Jin Sean Moon, the 2nd King of CIG, his loyal, beautiful wife, Queen Yeonah Nim and his victorious elder brother, Kook Jin Nim.

We gather this morning to celebrate the 33rd7.1 Jeol and the 27th 7.8 Jeol (ceremony) holiday.  Thirty-two years ago, onJuly 1, 1991, True Father set the condition for regaining God’s Kingship through the proclamation of God’s Eternal Blessing (7.1 Jeol). TrueFather was always concerned about how to liberate You, Heavenly Father. In everything that he did, Father wanted to create the condition where the human race could finally acknowledge You as their King, where You, together with Your children, could finally enter into a long-awaited cosmic sabbath.

What is the holiday for the 7.8 Jeol? According to Father’s words, that was the foundation to make a new United Nations. We understand now more than ever whyFather saw the need to replace the corrupt one the world has now with one that is truly centered on the Absolute Values that only come from You.

We know that the providence of restoration is littered with a myriad of reversals and failures, but based on the victory of Jesus and of True Father Sun Myung Moon, and after his passing, the victorious unity of Cain and Abel, the 3 Generations Kingship, and also the love and obedience of True Mother Kang, who even at the age of 90 left all behind and risked her life to support True Father’s anointed heir, the world is poised to enter Your Realm of Blessing and Sabbath.

We pray as we encounter the forces of darkness which would appear to have almost completely snuffed out the light of freedom around the world, that we can remember that YOU are Lord of the universe, and that Your victorious son, True Father, has established the realm and the lineage where Satan cannot accuse or invade.  

We thank you again that the 2nd King and Queen, despite heartbreaking opposition and challenges, have established a tradition of love and filial piety that will never be broken. We thank you that Father’s anointed heir had the vision to establish Cheongpyeong here in Thorn Hill, TN, which is rightly named, for its hills are truly crowned with thorns, but step by step it is becoming a beautiful sanctuary for your children, young and old, to be trained and reborn.  

We pledge to be the Rod of Iron protectors who will never back down in the face of evil. We will stand watching at the gates of your Kingdom, ready to repel any threat, internal or external, to Your Sovereignty and Your Ideal.

Although we sometimes falter, we will turn our eyes to You from where our strength comes. As it says in Psalm 2:

“As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” I will tell of the decree: The Lord said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you.
Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.

We THANK YOU again for Your grace and Your love.We pledge to remain firm in our faith and our resolve, no matter what may come.We pray this in the name of Jesus, in the name of the True Parents and in the name of the 3 Generations Kingship. And we report this in the name of our central blessed families gathered here today and around the world. Amen and Aju. Amen and Aju. Amen and Aju.


Dr. Richard Panzer, President
Unification Sanctuary USA
August 22, 2023