There is a point I want to share that I haven’t heard anyone discuss elsewhere: Mother’s* indemnity foundation is supposed to be her forbearance with all the emotional pain that she experienced as a result of taking her mission and her relationship with Father**. This is especially true regarding his involvement with other women.
From what I recall of reading Father’s words and hearing him speak, this is supposed to be the “cross of the heart,” I think it was called, that she is to bear without complaint. Sharing her husband with other women is exactly what Sarah could not do, Elizabeth could not do, and a parallel was the challenge that Judas could not face, Joseph could not face, and others—Lucifer being, of course, the first one.
Her complaining about Father’s** involvement with other women, in fact, elevating it into a new part of God’s teaching in effect, is seriously problematic. It is perhaps similar to Jesus retracting his revolutionary forgiveness of his enemies on the cross. If Jesus could not forgive his enemies, demonstrating God’s love for Satan’s people, if Father** had not demonstrated forgiveness of his enemies, then he would’ve been disqualified as the representative of God on earth.
Mother* complaining, and actually spreading her grudge to us children, is possibly negating her indemnity foundation. It seems like a horrendous development. Given that she did not suffer externally the way that Father did, it seems like she is now destroying her own “claim to fame” that would have brought her into equivalence with Father, her new claims of divine lineage not withstanding.
In other words, it’s one thing for her to be teaching things that aren’t true and elevating herself in a strange way above Father**, but she’s also negating her qualification as the bride of Christ.
On a simply horizontal, humanistic level, for a widow to poison the memory of her deceased husband with falsehoods and distortions is one of the most dishonorable things that a wife and mother can do.
On a gut level, I am having a big problem respecting her as a representative of Father** and True Parents anymore. Her previous achievements stand forever, and the True Parents’ foundation stands forever, but I wonder if the True Parents even exist anymore at this point. This is very distressing to me.
Editors Note:
*The reference to "Mother" by the author is referring to Hak Ja Han who was the 3rd wife of Reverend Moon. Due to her failures to uphold the position of "Mother", Hyung Jin Nim, the ordained and crowned heir to Reverend Moon, was directed by God to anoint Kang Hyun Shil as "True Mother" on September 23, 2017 since Hak Ja Han vacated the position that is foundational to the restoration of "True Parents" of mankind and revealed in the Divine Principle, that Reverend Moon** taught. "Father" is an honorific used to by followers that holds the founder in high esteem.
John Williams
August 12, 2024